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Impact Fitness Center Grand Opening this Thursday Evening

Everyone is invited to attend the grand opening of the Impact Fitness Center this Thursday from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. The event will be held at Impact Fitness Center, which is located at 40 Main Street in Biddeford.

The event is open to the public and it will also be an official Biddeford Saco Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours event.  Catering will be done by the Blue Elephant and there will be a cash bar. Four time Natural Mr. Universe and American Gladiator Mike O’ Hern will be in attendance as a special guest.

Impact Fitness Center owner Scott Fleurant has done a tremendous job creating a modern work out facility that allows members to take advantage of the latest fitness trends. The combination of modern fitness equipment and classic mill architecture has created a unique fitness environment that really seems to resonate with members.

The Impact Fitness Center is the first business to open its doors in the newly developed Pepperell Center. The Maine Pie Co is in the process of opening now, the Consumer Real Estate Finance Co will be moving in at the start of May, and Hyperlite Mountain Gear will move into a new location in early June. The Pepperell Center is currently York County’s largest mixed-use commercial development project. The Impact Fitness Center grand opening marks the first time that the general public has been invited in to see the project first hand.

We hope to see you all at the event.

Will Kany
Leasing Director


Header image courtesy Chad Doyon Photography: http://www.chaddoyon.com/blog/impact-fitness-photoshoot